Thursday, January 23, 2014

Nana Banana

Before Sophie was born, we decided that we'd refer to my mom as "Nana".  I talk about Nana to my kids a lot, show pictures of her to them and share stories about things Nana would do or say.  Sophie just loves hearing stories about her and asks lots of questions about her.  Tanner knows who Nana is but at the age of 4, his range of talking about her goes from "She had curly hair" to "She's dead" (and he says it so matter of factly!)  Now Jonas, well of course he really doesn't have a clue at all!  Today, I was having a deep(er) conversation with the kids about Nana.  I was saying how much I missed her and that she would just LOVE playing with them because she was always the one who loved being around kids.  It was a pretty touching conversation as the 2 older kids were asking questions about her.  Then Tanner turns to Jonas and says, "Do you wish you knew Nana?"  And Jonas stares at him and starts running towards the kitchen yelling, "Nana! Nana" and pointing emphatically at the bananas...

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